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Time:2018-03-13 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:523

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Every year in our country have a large number of domestic waste, production waste, the waste also constantly affect the people's life, in order to deal with more and more living garbage, in order to make some more to use of available resources. Shuguang machinery through continuous efforts, production of new waste industrial shredder equipment.

Shuguang machinery industrial garbage shredding machine biaxial design more power, is equipped with reducer after reduced speed, strength is multiplied the ascension, all kinds of material into the trash can easily torn shredding machine equipment, low speed also ensures that garbage shredder at work without a lot of noise, sealed design can avoid the dust pollution. The waste shredder equipment is equipped with electric control safety design, the material head adopts the double layer structure, the inside fill the sound insulation material, makes the garbage shredder equipment has the good safety and the environmental protection, saves the electricity and durable; Garbage shredding machine tool change is simple, optimization design tool post, claw knife can spread from strength, rubbish every piece shredding machine knives, and shear force increase, suitable for shredding thick material, hard material, first class, effectively improve the tool cutting force, tool wear reduction

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