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Time:2018-03-13 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:532

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Industry insiders say that the industrial shredder is a revolution that is about $100 billion in size and will have a qualitative leap in the next three years or so. Among them, the advantages of high value manufacturing will become more obvious.

However, there are also a number of institutional people to remind the hype of the risk, although industrial tear machine theme secondary market investment space is large, but the short - line rise is too large, need to adjust to meet the second wave opportunity. Investors need to be deeply discriminated, dig for real benefit companies, and beware of the concept stocks.

Industrial shredding has become a hot topic in industry circles and capital markets. "The most frequently asked question in my circle of friends is to invest in us. It also shows that the capital market is very concerned about this area. In a small building in the guangzhou TIT creative park, the head of the domestic industrial tearing machine platform, the root of the root of the tree root, is told by the guangzhou daily, a full media reporter, in an exclusive interview.

Some analysts believe that the domestic industrial shredder is just starting, and there is expected to be a wave of capital inflows in the future.

Capital pours into industrial shredder.

Today's capital vents have scraped into industrial shredding, and the sector is attracting capital, including VC. On January 9 this year, the company announced that it had completed the financing of hundreds of millions of heads of state in 2017, including China investment innovation, joint venture of jingwei venture capital, China transfer fund and haijie capital. It is reported that the root interconnection was established in 2016, which is the industrial shredder platform of sany group.

Main business sword refers to the same system of intelligent industrial shredding machine market in shenzhen China also recently A + officially completed the latest round of funding, the round led party as ficus altissima capital and skyhawk capital such as A well-known investment institutions. Previously, the company had received A round of financing from dachin venture. So far, the Chinese intelligence has received nearly 100 million yuan financing. The capital is focused on mergers and acquisitions and growth investments, which combine industry and capital depth, with industries including industrial shreds, said tang pengfei, a partner at gaopeng capital management.

"Capital has a very good sense of smell, whether it's industrial policy or market trends. We expect a large number of venture capital investments to enter the industrial shredder area this year and next. , of course, due to the threshold of the shredding machine industrial demand is still relatively high, so the investment institutions will be more cautious when the choice, of big probability will attempt into good target, unlike the past of VR, film and television and other barriers to entry are relatively low industry widely scattered like that." The head of a shenzhen equity investment fund told the guangzhou daily news media.


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