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Time:2018-03-13 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:526

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Metal is renewable and recycled use of green materials and biological resources, the metal resources, lack of mineral resources so tough today, people pay more attention to is to alleviate the increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand of metal, effective utilization of recycling scrap metal. The emergence of Dual Shaft Shredder equipment solves this problem, and the Dual Shaft Shredder can tear up a lot of materials and become the old metal. So what are the materials that Dual Shaft Shredder can tear? Shuguang machinery to introduce to you:

1. All kinds of hollow containers: plastic beverage cans, plastic buckets, iron drums, packing boxes, packing barrels; 2. Used household appliances: TV, washing machine, refrigerator shell; 3. Pipe material: large pipe, pipe fitting and PE pipe; 4. Used templates: wooden pallets, plastic pallets and forklifts; 5. Used tires: car tires, truck tires; Scrap metal: 6, automobile housing, aluminum alloy, scrap cast aluminum parts, engine housing, lead and steel plates with thickness below 5mm; 7. Kitchen waste, household garbage, animal carcasses, RDF derivatives, medical waste, biological orange poles, garden garbage; 8. Glue head material, paper mill rope.

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