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Time:2018-03-09 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:553

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Metal shredder electromechanical pressure instability easily has the following consequences: 1. Non-uniform and even blocking out; Voltage instability first affects the stability of motor, speed is not uniform, such as fast and slow, prompting further development is uneven, small shredding machine in the case of feeding non-uniformity, easier to produce block, formation of cavity in the body with materials handling unfinished, stop, reverse and overload current automatic conversion control work serious when, more than blocking perhaps is likely to lead to stop the motor temperature rise high.


Tin shredding machine will all kinds of waste tricycle, used bicycle, automobile, motor shell, scrap iron, scrap steel, scrap steel, cans, metal bottle, paint bucket, thin sheet metal scrap, scrap iron, tin cans, all kinds of scrap metal, such as broken to make particles, making on transport costs, and speed up iron cast furnace ironmaking. Metal shredding machine, metal shredding machine all adopt the microcomputer automatic control system (PCS), set to start, stop, reverse and overload current automatic back into control function, low speed, high torque, low noise, etc.

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