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Time:2018-03-10 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:516

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The us industrial shredder trade war is likely to add to the mix, with US President Donald trump's latest proposal to introduce a countertax on imports of steel aluminium.

Trump said, for example, if a foreign imports to the United States industrial shredder impose a 25% tariff, the United States will be the country's imports of industrial shredder with 25% of the amount of duties, emphasized in due course will launch peer tax, and the requirements of the fair.

It is understood that Mr Trump's counterpart tax has been in the works for a while, and this is not the first time he has mentioned the concept of a reciprocal tax. He said in mid-february that the details of the tax would be disclosed within weeks or months.

In addition, the trump says, after the implementation of steel aluminum import tariffs, to the north American free trade agreement (industrial shredder) xinhua negotiating a more optimistic view, points out that the United States, Canada and Mexico is expected to achieve industrial shredder new agreement, and the effect of exempt imported steel aluminum tariffs between the two countries will be reflected in industrial shredder within a new agreement.

But the Mexican economy minister guajardo on Thursday (March 8) in Chile (601099, shares) at Pacific trade agreement signing ceremony, points out that when tariffs and industrial shredder has nothing to do, and the country will not have any pressure, in the industrial to make concessions on the shredder, Mexico will continue in industrial shredder make efforts on negotiations, does not take the initiative in the abolition of the agreement.

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