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Time:2018-03-09 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:552

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Shuguang heavy industry is the quality reputation sincere machinery co., LTD., industrial shredding machine for our future life provide fast, clean, bright future, achieve the best quality in the long-term development of our industrial shredding machine machinery factory, metal industries shredding machine is shredded scrap metal, scrap steel, old bike. The best choice of old motorcycle and old household appliance. Shuguang heavy industry is specialized in the production of metal industrial shredder, rubber industry shredder, timber industry shredder, plastic industry shredder, waste paper industry shredder, oil barrel industrial shredder, etc. Economic application, reasonable design, simple operation, reasonable price, after-sales improvement, products sold at home and abroad.

24-hour consultation hotline0086-371-67666667