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Time:2019-09-29 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:563

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Electric motor is an important part of aluminium can shredder, and it is easy to heat. In addition, the workload of the shredder is large, and the production time is usually continuous. So it is normal for the motor to heat. But with the temperature rising in the weather, it is very hot, which will speed up the heating speed of the motor. So when the problem comes, I will. We need to find out the reasons before we can solve them. The hot weather is one of them, but there are still many problems which belong to the operation and the inside of the aluminium can shredder. What are the specific problems?


1. The air gap between the stator and the rotor of the motor is very small, which simply causes the stator and the rotor to collide. The simpler way to deal with it is to insert the end cover.


2. The abnormal oscillation or noise of the motor simply causes the heat of the motor. It should be cleaned up according to the specific situation. Oscillation not only produces noise, but also generates rated load. Bearing operation is abnormal, it must form motor heating. Whether bearing operation is normal or not can be judged by temperature experience. The bearing end can be checked by hand or thermometer to determine whether the temperature is within the normal range.


3. If the voltage of the power supply is too high and the excitation current increases, the motor will overheat.


4. Material leaks into the motor, which reduces the insulation of the motor, thus lowering the allowable temperature rise of the motor. The aluminium can shredder should be shut down immediately to remove foreign bodies.


Above all can be regarded as the cause of motor heating, always observe the working state and temperature of the motor, if the temperature is too high, stop processing immediately, wait for the motor cooling to start again, safely handle materials, and avoid financial losses.

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