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Time:2019-09-16 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:574

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The aluminium shredder produced by Shuguang Heavy Machinery is durable. For the quality of our products, used customers are full of praise, but no matter how good the shredder also has vulnerable products, we will focus on the following, aluminum shredder vulnerable parts - the hammer of the aluminum shredder!


After grinding, the initial wear stage of micro-defects occurs, then the continuous wear stage, and then the rapid wear stage of increasing cutting heat caused by increasing wear. When the shredder works, there is hardly any initial wear on the hammer head. However, due to the low toughness of superhard materials such as cemented carbide, the initial wear of the hammer made of this material can be clearly observed when the tearing speed is faster. This is an example of wear and tear. For planing, initial wear can hardly be observed. It is a single hammer cutting, and the continuous wear after initial wear can be observed. The wear of hammer head of aluminium shredder is mainly caused by mechanical abrasion and corrosion. Usually hammer head wear is not caused by a single cause.


As mentioned in the previous chapter, the tearing heat causes the tool temperature to rise. The decrease of hammer hardness promotes the chemical reaction and the thermal degradation of the material, which further complicates the wear mechanism.

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