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Time:2019-09-09 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:506

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Aluminum shredder can be pided into several types according to its output and size, such as 800 type, 1200 type, 1500 type, 1800 type, 2000 type, etc. Different models have different prices. Among them, the 2000 scrap aluminum shredder is a scrap aluminum shredder equipment with the most customer consultation and better sales. Model 2000 aluminum shredder belongs to large aluminum shredder. Its output is about 8-10 tons per hour, and the weight of equipment is about 33 tons. Ten tons of cans per hour can be handled by 2000 aluminum shredder.


The aluminum shredder not only improves the production capacity and crushing efficiency, but also enlarges the application scope. The aluminum shredder produced by our company is a fine crushing and crushing machine. On the basis of absorbing the advantages of various shredders, the series of aluminum shredder products are developed by fully utilizing the theoretical centers of impact, shear, mutual impact and grinding. Come on!


Aluminum shredder is suitable for crushing bicycle frame, motorcycle frame, color steel tile, carriage board, keel, color TV, refrigerator, washing machine, tinplate, scrap angle steel, scrap square pipe, automobile cab, document cabinet, safe box, car trough, packing pressing block, electrical shell and other impurities of scrap steel and industrial scrap equipment. It is a new medium-sized crushing production line. The aluminum shredder is suitable for small and medium-sized users, small and medium-sized steelmaking plants and small and medium-sized scrap recycling companies, which provide clean and qualified burden for steel enterprises.

Factory Address: Longjiang West Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City

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