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Time:2019-09-04 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:504

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1. In order to improve the wear resistance of aluminum shredder hammer head, a thin layer of cemented carbide is coated on its working face.


2. After wear and tear of the hammer head made of manganese steel, it can be repaired by overlaying welding with manganese steel welding rod. Medium and high chromium hammers are not easy to repair. In the process of surfacing on the top of hammer head, unequal-axis granular Lillette with composition of 1.2-1.5mm can be introduced into surfacing metal to reinforce cemented carbide, while the base alloy is special high chromium cast iron. When Liliter is added, it is filled along the top of the hammer head, so that more hard particles can be obtained at the top of the hammer head. Surfacing paste can also be used.


3. Improve the end disc and the middle disc of the aluminum shredder rotor to improve the utilization ratio of the hammer and prolong the service life of the hammer.


4. Sustainable use of hammer shredder is the focus of our work, because if one part is broken, the whole machine will no longer be used, which is too wasteful, and sometimes the injured parts can be well reused after repair.


Generally speaking, to a large extent, the hammer directly affects the production efficiency of aluminum shredder, so the skill of prolonging the service life of the hammer must be mastered.

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