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Time:2019-04-17 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:530

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 Only the check work before starting the machine can make the equipment better. So today, we Shuguang Heavy Industry Machinery take everyone to see what check work need to be done before the aluminum shredder is turned on.


Firstly, the aluminum shredder must thoroughly inspect the equipment before starting the machine, including checking whether the parts of the equipment are loose or not, which is also a prerequisite for ensuring the work of the equipment;


Secondly, inspect the lubrication condition of the aluminum shredder in detail. If the lubricating oil is missing, it should be added in time, which can reduce the wear of the bearing of the equipment and provide more powerful power for the equipment;


In addition, the damaged parts of the aluminum shredder equipment should be inspected in detail to see if there is any wear and tear, and whether it is replaced or not, so as to avoid affecting the production of the equipment.


The above is some of the check work that our shuguang Heavy Industry Machinery needs to summarize before starting the aluminum shredder. If you need more help, please call the consultation phone for detailed consultation!


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