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Time:2018-04-03 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:497

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This kind of gypsum powder production line adopts the domestic mature advanced technology equipment, such as the vertical Raymond mill, the boiling furnace and so on. The boiling furnace is the most widely used building gypsum calcining equipment. This gypsum production line is not only in line with the requirements of national energy saving and emission reduction, but also easy to realize automatic control. Good quality of gypsum powder, stable physical performance, low operating cost of production line.


Recommended equipment for desulfurization gypsum production line (special power plant) :



The current mature desulfurization method in the world is a limestone - gypsum method, shuguang heavy vertical Raymond mill and European Raymond mill in desulfurization gesso line, especially for large-scale of limestone, lime powder, are widely used in steel mills and power plants, the desulfurization rate of over 95%.

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