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Time:2018-04-02 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:508

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Pot of industrial shredding machine after a long work, there may be some faults and problems, if it can be found in time, can very good solve the problem, avoid problems spread, xin yue machinery here introduce you to some characteristics of failure, for user reference.


Wear: in the pot of paint industry after shredding machine use for a long time, waste material parts collided with shredded cavity, can cause some to equipment wear and tear, users should pay attention to the blade, bearings and other major parts of wear, replace in a timely manner.


Shredding machine fatigue spalling: bucket of the rolling bearing and roller in the work under alternating load, in the long running time, contact surface will form a crack, after these cracks appear, followed is to continue to spread, and eventually formed flake, it will eventually cause peeling bearing.


Three, corrosion: when the bucket shredding machine accessories seal bad, this is more likely to occur, at the same time, if the parts within moments by large current, also can make parts wear and corrosion caused over time, disable components.

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