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Time:2018-04-02 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:504

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Metal shredding machine equipment with complete production line, mainly including host, conveyor, separation equipment, dust removal equipment, power distribution cabinets, etc., metal shredding machine equipment configuration deceleration motor driver, boot smoothly without noise. The whole machine is equipped with the feeding equipment of the conveyor belt, which can be effectively separated when the aluminum iron is crushed together. Many customers ask what materials can be shredded by the metal shredder equipment? Metal shredding machine equipment can be used bicycles, cans, beer cap and all kinds of metal cans metal cans, paint bucket, waste thin iron, iron slag, tin and other metal cans shredded dough, reduce material volume, saving transportation costs and the rate of furnace ironmaking. When the metal shredder equipment is working, the material can be shred sufficiently and effectively in the shredding cavity, which has the characteristics of high yield, low energy consumption, uniform output and adjustable grain size. And when used, the noise is low, the operation is smooth, the raw material is free of pollution, the operation is simple, the maintenance is convenient.


Shuguang machinery metal shredding machine equipment throughout the circulation pattern is to make resources - products - waste products - products mode of circular economy, the development model is helpful to form new economic growth point, to provide a large number of employment opportunities for society, so this is the reason why metal shredding machine equipment customer value.

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