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Time:2018-04-02 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:506

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Industrial wood shredding machine is also called wood shredder is a kind of shredder. The advantages shatter all kinds of wood, facilitate the subsequent processing and utilization. The use of various machines for a period of time, plus mismanagement, will inevitably lead to rusting problems.


How can we solve such a problem?


First of all, check which parts are rusty, and if it is the case, the impact on the shredder will not be large. And if the important parts of the shredder are rusty. Such as bearing, it is likely to cause the shredder's working efficiency to be slow and the friction becomes large, which can cause wear in the shredder. First of all, after the rust removal and then add the lubricating oil for protection, it is really rust and serious, we can consider replacing the rusty parts, which can guarantee the normal work of the shredder.


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