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Time:2018-03-30 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:503

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Garbage shredding machine internal structure of the concrete introduction 1, the main circuit breaker of the shredding machine equipment main body is made of high qualified steel plate welding stress relieving treatment/whole machine, to ensure that in a long period of time, the stability of heavy duty equipment. 2, the sealed bearing housings use patent registration will be removed, can quickly remove the knife, the knife dish, bearings and other parts, easy maintenance and replacement of cutting tools, special seal structure, effectively prevent fracture contact with oil, material liquid can protect the bearings and gears. 3, fixed blade of special alloy steel forging blank, precision machining cutting tool material, heat treatment and freezing time of heat treatment process and the overall toughness, hardness can be repeated use, to ensure that the cutting performance and service life. Fixed knife use patent hook type installation, optimization tool, transform function, make maintenance more efficient tool. 4. The knife shaft is made of high strength and heavy special steel, which has a more reasonable cutting tool and provides a powerful driving force.

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