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Time:2018-03-16 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:536

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Tire shredding machine in batch to recover waste tires processing, played a leading position, is the shredding machine market is one of the most potential shredding equipment, tire shredding machine spindle may appear the phenomenon of bending, then what should you do?


What about the bending of the main shaft of the tire shredder?


First of all, what is the harm of bending the main shaft of the tire?


1. Influence the life of the spindle; 2. The blade will be dry and cut, and the blade can be used for life; 3. Influence the scale of processing materials; 4. Lower bearing service life; 5. Easy to install; 6. If the speed reducer is selected, the service life of the reducer will be reduced. Choose belt drive, easy jump belt, reduce the service life of the triangle belt.


What do you do when the tire is bent?


1. Use the press to proofread the fourth paragraph.


2. Use the four-jaw chuck to hold the fifth paragraph, choose the base frame support structure to support the third paragraph, and find the fourth base. Hit the base eye, then use the thimble to resist, remove the base frame, the first paragraph of the fine car, the third paragraph, the rough car seat some.


3. Main shaft change processing. Use the 4-jaw chuck to hold the first paragraph, choose the base frame support structure to support the fifth paragraph, and the fourth base will be found. Hit the base eye, then use the thimble to resist, remove the base frame, fine car the fifth paragraph, the thick car seat some. Finish the processing.


Therefore, the tire shredder should strictly ensure the accuracy of the spindle to ensure the service life of the equipment and increase customer satisfaction.


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