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Time:2018-03-16 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:512

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Structural characteristics and working principle of shredding machine: the machine is fitted with a total of 3 row shredding machine structure hammer head, 10 in each row, a total of 30 hammer, hammer head clearance between a = 60 mm, gap between hammer and shell is 25 mm, hammer head turning diameter of 1250 mm, heavy hammer head single 27 kg, effective erosion rate is 1/2 the weight of the hammer head. Working principle of the block of materials from the mouth into the whereabouts of the crushing cavity, in the process of the high speed rotating hammer hit hard, form the hammer head and material, material and chassis plate, the intense collision between material and material form the primary crushing. Primary crushing material falling to pieces the body at the bottom of the screen body, less than the hedge and rotary hammer and screen width of gap between seam materials from hedge, and greater than the above two size of the material by the rotary hammer finish secondary crushing and screening of the extrusion.



The improvement of hammerhead structure can be seen from the working principle of the shredder. The hammer head is the main part of the shredder, and the stronger the impact of the hammer head, the better the effect of the broken material. Therefore, the design of hammer head is an important link. Undertook transforming to structure of hammer hammer head prior to the improvement of structure, we can know that the improved hammer head thickness than before improvement by 15 mm in width is increased by 20 mm of hammer head ends, hammer head hanging hole minister degrees increased by 10 mm to the end, hammer head hanging in cylindrical radius changed from 90 mm to 75 mm. Improvement effect of hammer head for the impact of the material increase the focus on the turning diameter of the hammer head of offshoring, hammer speed increase, the midline of the operation process of hammer impact to material ability has increased with, thereby enhancing the shredding machine crushing effect.



Hammer hammer head increase the machine original single effective wear weighed 27 kg and effective erosion rate is only about a third, namely a hammer head only 9 kg of wear, effectively by improving the structure of the hammer, hammer head change is small, the total weight of the hammer head wear amount has increased to nearly two-thirds of the total weight is heavy single 27 kg hammer head effectively wear is up to 16 kg. Therefore, the improved set of hammer head can be used as the second set before improvement, thus reducing the cost of using the hammer head. Reduce the discharging granularity, improve the production after the modification of the hammer, hammer head hanging hole to hammer head secretary from 350 mm to 350 mm, thus turning diameter 1250 mm to 1270 mm diameter, hammer head and the shell gap from 25 mm to 15 mm, hammer and hammer head reduce 15 mm gap, therefore, can make the shredding machine of discharging granularity from 20 mm here, 25% of the powder material into 8 ~ 10 mm, 60% into powder material, which greatly improved the shredding machine crushing effect, improving production units. When designing the equipment in our factory, consider the shredding machine a variety of hardware, the fragility of the material and granularity, so the design of hammer head is versatile, but metal hardness is larger for fragile, for this reason, the shredding machine hammer structure was improved, after the improvement, greatly improve the effect of the broken and the service life of hammer head.

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