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Time:2018-07-14 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:567

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Metal shredder as the tearing equipment, the blade is the core component of metal shredder, and the blade thickness and blade quantity can be changed according to the different materials. In use, the blade will wear out and blunt. When the blade's working efficiency is reduced, the blade must be replaced to prevent production. The old metal shredder blade should be repaired in time, and the blade should pay attention to whether there is a grinding edge on the blade, and must be measured in the blade to make the blade sharper.

The use of metal shredder blade is very thorough. Paint is a single axis metal shredder blade due to the use of high wear-resistant cold grinding processing skills refined, so there are certain precautions when using.

As the cutter body has excellent strength and toughness, it can also easily cut off some light metal materials in practice. But it is worth noting that some thicker metal materials are not easy to block with metal shredder blades, which will easily damage the blades.

Single blade is very easy to wear, especially some of the multi - claw blade in the repair of the time relatively tedious, at this time to pay attention to the blade's arc and the grinding machine relationship, the best method is to use the radian polishing, because this will play a very good role in the metal shredder knife radian.

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