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Time:2018-06-22 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:564

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Plastic shredder starts the equipment after the power supply is connected to confirm the normal operation and then reinputs the material that needs to be broken; the material in the chamber is completely broken and then reinvested in the new material; once the blade is killed, the equipment must be shut down and the power is cut off and then processed. Only once the fault treatment is completed, can once again be completed. Start the equipment. When the material is broken, turn off the switch, cut off the power supply, then open the knife chamber and the bunker again, clean the remaining material in the bunker and close the bunker, must tighten the fixed screw; put the broken plastic into the woven bag, and place the equipment in the workshop to clean the equipment and the surrounding ground hygiene . In the operation process, it is prohibited to put too much in the broken plastic to cause the death of the card and burn out the motor. During the operation of the equipment, the hand is strictly prohibited to be operated in the crusher to avoid damage; the hard objects and things are strictly prohibited to be damaged in the crusher, and the kettle, scissors, and blades are strictly prohibited. And other sundries to prevent foreign bodies from falling into the inlet and damage the equipment, and regularly lubricate the running parts.

Our Plastic shredder customers are strictly in accordance with our safe operating procedures to maintain the equipment, and we hope that our above professional advice can make the customers who are experiencing the experience more handy.

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