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Time:2018-05-18 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:575

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Today we are going to talk about the two working principles of Dual Shaft Shredder, and we hope that it can be helpful to you. Here we will remind you of the choice of the most suitable ones.

First: use the double shaft or single shaft to rotate at low speed, and use the knife disc to cut, cut, tear and pull the material. Direct connect worm gear reducer motor, directly mounted on the drive shaft of the shearing machine, transmission through gear transmission to the driven shaft, so that the dynamic knife of the driving shaft and the static knife disk on the shell form relative motion. The spiral gear cutter disc in the active shaft is staggered and arranged, so that the material can enter and be squeezed, torn and sheared, so that the material can be broken.

Second: the high-speed rotating impeller is used to break the long biaxial ducts, and the high-speed rotating spindle is connected with a series of round steel plates. The circular plate is rotated by the main shaft. There are 4~6 small gears made of manganese steel around the circular plate. The pinion rotates freely on its own little axis. Long and messy clumps of biaxial crumbs from top opening into the machines, high-speed rotating plate gear on the ground, tear into small pieces, the outflow from the bottom of the screen hole mesh size can according to the requirements of the biaxial crumbs off broken particle size selected.

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