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Time:2018-04-13 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:570

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Along with the further increase of metal production and manufacturing level unceasing enhancement, metal packaging products have emerged in the daily production life, the use of the remaining after the packaging on the recycling of metals, metal shredding machine equipment is comply with today's social development and appear a kind of special machinery and equipment. In the waste home appliances, bicycles, paint buckets, cans, and so on, metal shredder equipment can tear them apart, and then pick up the metal and non-metal, so that they can be used again.


Metal shredder equipment can tear up scrap metal of different sizes and materials. In cans, paint buckets, bicycles, scrap steel, car shell and other kinds of metal recycling, there are other models that can not replace the effect. Metal shredding machine equipment according to the size of the different models, torn items also have greatly small, big to old refrigerators, televisions, used bicycle, used motorcycle, automobile, used computers, used electronic waste, waste rotor and other large piece of scrap metal; Small to cans, wang ji, Sprite, beer cans, chengde lulu cans, red bull cans, tin cans, cans, metal cans, paint bucket, all kinds of metal cans, oil barrels, paint bucket and other small metal can be effective to shred.


As metal shredding machine equipment in the continuous development of the market, gongyi city xin yue machinery with independent, advanced technology, research and development of metal shredding machine occupies the industry market, xin yue machinery is committed to research and development of new metal shredding machine equipment, is willing to provide customers with advanced equipment, develop together with customers.

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