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Time:2018-04-10 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:555

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In today's society, accelerating the transformation of economic development mode puts forward higher requirements for resource conservation and comprehensive utilization. With relative lack of mineral resources in China and support the national economy since the reform and opening up 30 years of rapid growth, but our country in general is relatively extensive resource utilization way, development and utilization efficiency is not high, cause resource waste and environmental pollution problems. Wood shredding machine production is high, the profit space is large, conveyor feeding to realize the automatic feeding and discharging mouth is equipped with magnetic separation device, to realize the separation of iron and other impurities, the material after broken, but can small, cover an area of an area small, after the broken material can meet the requirements of the concentrate charging, directly applicable to the steel mill affiliated enterprises, professional waste wood processing distribution enterprises, the recycling enterprises to adapt to the construction of the overall requirements of resource saving and environment friendly society, speed up the transformation of the mode of resource utilization, by means of scientific and technological progress, on the basis of management innovation, in order to saving and comprehensive utilization of wood resources will become an important focus industries development, the development of green mining and recycling economy, improving wood resources development and utilization efficiency and level of production is also a major task of mining industry and mission!

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