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Time:2018-03-20 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:579

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As an important supporting industry of economic development, metal shredder industry will display more competition among enterprise brand culture in the increasingly fierce market competition. Under the situation of increasing global environment and energy shortage, expanding energy conservation and environmental protection industry is the only way to accelerate the transformation of development pattern and promote the good and fast development of society. Metal shredder plays a very important role in energy conservation and environmental protection.

Zhengzhou shuguang metal shredder shell is welded with 25mm - 30mm manganese steel plate, with lining board and durable. The main shaft is heat treated after the precision of the forging parts, and the torque force is no longer broken. The knife plate is made of manganese steel, with the s-type blade in it, and the hammer head of the train wheel between the blades. The main engine casing adopts hydraulic lift cover, easy to repair and easy to repair, the whole machine design is generous and reasonable. And according to the user request reasonable improvement.

At present each big minicomputer cans factory is no longer accept briquetting materials, only accept pieces clean small pieces of material, the metal pieces of zhengzhou shuguang production machine has been in the industry, the production process, small noise, no dust, dust catcher can be equipped with pulse, can speak broken after the separation of raw materials and ingredients: iron, aluminum, plastic, dust and impurities. Clean and bright. Win-win is our way of survival!

Zhengzhou shuguang heavy industry professional production metal shredder shredder, our factory production of metal shredder equipment not only good quality, and equipment energy conservation and environmental development, equipment simple and easy to operate. Interested users are welcome to visit the test machine.

24-hour consultation hotline0086-371-67666667