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Time:2020-06-23 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:653

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Dual shaft shredder is widely used to tear waste plastics, metal products, tires, wood and other solid wastes. However, in the actual operation, we are always easy to encounter a variety of problems, such as in the process of dual shaft shredder operation, the voltage has been unstable, so what kind of consequences will be caused to the shredder?


Bad consequences of unstable voltage of dual shaft shredder:

1. Discharge is uneven or even blocked; voltage instability will first affect the stability of the motor, speed is uneven, fast or slow, and so on, so that the material is uneven. In the case of uneven feeding, the most simple blocking occurs, forming a cavity filled with unfinished materials. In severe cases, a large number of blocking may lead to shutdown or motor temperature rise.


2. The belt or sprocket is damaged; when the voltage is not stable, the tension accepted by the transmission is large, the belt is too loose, and it may slip after a long time. Therefore, when the voltage cannot be guaranteed to be stable, it is often necessary to debug the transmission.



3. When the motor is fixed unsteadily; when the voltage is stable, with the change of the force accepted by the drive, the fixed point of the original motor will be displaced, and the screws on the base will be loose, etc., so it is necessary to often check whether these are intact.


As a professional shredder manufacturer and supplier, Shuguang Heavy Machinery's double shaft shredder can shred common domestic waste, and has a special production line to treat waste tires into small particles, which are used as raw materials in many fields.Welcome to contact us for more details.


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