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Time:2020-04-29 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:662

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Dual shaft shredders are becoming more and more popular among people,as they can be shredded without consuming too much manpower,  and the application market is also wide.Now we know that the spindle is very important for dual shaft shredder,if it is twisting,which may bring many problems,but what should i do when the shredder spindle is bending?


1. Use a press to correct the tortuous part of the dual shaft shredder spindle.

2. Use the four-jaw chuck to clamp the fifth section, select the base frame support structure to support the third section, and align the fourth section of the base. Hit the base eye, then hold it with a thimble, remove the base frame, the first and third sections of the refined car list, there are some rough car vacancies.

3. Spindle change head processing. Use the four-jaw chuck to clamp the first section, select the base frame support structure to support the fifth section, and align the fourth section of the base. Hit the base eye, then hold it with a thimble, remove the base frame, the fifth section of the fine car, there are some rough car spaces. Finish the processing.


As a professional shredder manufacturer and supplier, Shuguang Heavy Machinery's double shaft shredder can shred common domestic waste, and has a special production line to treat waste tires into small particles, which are used as raw materials in many fields.Welcome to contact us for more details.


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