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Time:2020-04-17 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:581

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The characteristics of heavy load, low speed, price adjustment and continuous production of dual shaft shredders, in daily maintenance, all kinds of lubricants, especially the bearings on the mainframe, have a huge bearing capacity. We should also pay attention to several related aspects in the daily lubrication management and use of bearings to improve work efficiency and extend the service life of bearings.


During the use of the dual shaft shredder, the wear and tear obviously increased, and abnormal noises occurred, indicating that the use of lubricant oil is not very good. In addition to the material and design issues, it can be said that the selection of lubricant oil is not reasonable enough:

1. The viscosity is not adequate.

2. Mixed use of new oil and old oil.


Although this may have some short-term effects, the performance of the oil product will be significantly reduced and the lubrication conditions of the dual shaft shredder bearings will be deteriorated. To a certain extent, bearing wear will shorten the life of the bearing. A previous article called How to choose dual shaft shredder lubricant oil says that according to the production environment of the shredder, the lubricant oil should has the characteristics of anti-corrosion, anti-corrosion, flame retardant thermal stability, etc. 


Regarding how to lubricate the dual shft shredder at work, from the perspective of economic benefits, the oil products should be used more accurately and effectively. Whether to change the oil and when to change the oil, in addition to following the rules of the oil change period, it should also be considered according to the operating time and operating rate of the equipment, so as to maximize the use of oil.


As a professional shredder manufacturer and supplier, Shuguang Heavy Machinery's double shaft shredder can shred common domestic waste, and has a special production line to treat waste tires into small particles, which are used as raw materials in many fields.Welcome to contact us for more details.


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