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Time:2017-12-28 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:687

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The Netherlands is a world famous lowland country, with 12 provinces and 443 towns. Today we will take a look at the Dutch plastic shredder machine price trend!

The oil and chemical industry ranks among the best in the world. In terms of turnover, the Dutch petrochemical industry ranks seventh in Europe and ninth in the world, making it the fifth-largest exporter of petrochemical products in the world. Dutch petrochemical industry has more than 300 large and medium-sized company accounts for only 10% of the whole industry (practitioners), annual output value of about $31 billion, about 18% of the national industrial production, its 80% products are exported to foreign countries. This also provides favorable conditions for the development of the plastic shredder machine industry in the Netherlands, and also has a certain impact on the plastic shredder machine price trend in the Netherlands.

Dutch plastic shredder machine

The main factors affecting plastic shredder machine price trend have the following aspects:

1.Steel: steel thickness, for different manufacturer in producing plastic shredder thickness of steel plate material and the problems in the process of the machine are greatly different, but for professional crushing equipment crush each material plate thickness are need to accounting, in this also determines the different cost of equipment market plastic shredder machine price impact;

3. motor: the motor must choose international products are factory production, can't use refurbished motor or international sucks, because the motor copper wire was not rated current demand, so the machine is easy to burn or driving force is insufficient, affect the shredding machine equipment rotating speed and the effect of whole pieces;

Urban waste picture

3.Bearing: the advantages and disadvantages of the bearing are directly affected by the production effect and tearing effect of the plastic shredder machine equipment in the Netherlands. The bearing must be produced by large manufacturers.

4. Blade: the plastic shredder machine blade is the biggest influence on the plastic shredder machine price factor in the Netherlands, which is usually 2-4 times as different as the plastic shredder machine price.

If you want to buy a good performance of plastic shredder machine, be sure to always pay attention to the Netherlands plastic shredder machine price trend, and understand and Dutch plastic shredder machine price trend, the main factors to prevent fraud by some sales staff! If you have any other questions about plastic shredder machine or you need to buy plastic shredder machine, please contact us!

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