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Time:2019-10-23 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:560

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The blade of the twin-shaft shredder is a very important part, and the blade is also very precise. When the double-shaft shredder handles different kinds of materials, the waste will wear the blade to different degrees. In the long run, the scrap will be used. The wear resistance and accuracy of the blade are reduced, and the blade with reduced accuracy can seriously affect the quality of the shredded material.


What are the factors that affect the accuracy of the blade: whether the shredder blade clip mechanism is stable and reliable. Everyone knows that the clip mechanism is the main part of the shredder blade. If the clips cannot be loosened during the operation of the blade, Otherwise, it can affect the accuracy of the blade. Moreover, it will cause the grinding tooth deviation to be out of control. Whether the tooth extraction mechanism is standard or not, and the important part that affects the precision of the double-shaft shredder blade is also the tooth extractor.

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