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Time:2019-08-13 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:541

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The blade design of the aluminum can shredder is designed for industrial shredders of the waste materials and their easy disposal. The design of the shredder blade comprises an round shape blade body with a center hole for mounting the blade on a rotating shaft. The circular body of the blade has 8 serrated cutting edges. The circular blade body integrally formed from the 9Crsi material. The design of the blade increases the efficiency of the waste materials shredding. The life time of this design of the blade is much higher than the previous designs of blades. This design of blade reduces the process time considerably than the other blades. As this blade has more resistance against the deformation and principal stresses than the previous designs, this serves as a better part in the shredder machine.


8 serrated cutting edges to increase shredding efficiency
Adopt 9Crsi materials to obtain longer service life
Reduces the process time
More resistance against the deformation and principal stresses
Widely used for various waste materials
13 blades of different diameters and thicknesses to meet requirements
Accept customization requirements

Factory Address: Longjiang West Road, Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City

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