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Time:2019-08-05 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:545

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The main parts and components of aluminium shredder are the focus of daily maintenance and repair. Now we know the common problems and maintenance schemes of the three main parts of aluminium shredder.


1. Fracture treatment of hammer head assembly of aluminium shredder

Hammer Head: The material with better impact resistance and abrasion resistance is used to toughen the hammer head with water to eliminate internal stress, increase the size of the hammer head, and increase the wall thickness of the fragile side walls, so as to improve the impact resistance of the hammer head.

Hammer shank: Choose 35 steel bar with good impact performance, forge and process, normalize, eliminate internal stress, increase the shape size of the hammer shank, improve the impact resistance of the hammer shank, and increase the shoulder size of the hammer shank to enhance the buffer capacity.


2. Contamination treatment measures for funnels and chutes:

(1) Improving the inlet and outlet of aluminium shredder by changing the structure of inclined chute into large inclined chute, changing the feeding funnel of aluminium shredder from inverted cone to cone, increasing the area of outlet and outlet of lower part of funnel several times, so as to avoid the material from aluminium shredder flying at high speed sticking to the funnel;

(2) The feeding chute, the feeding funnel and the electric piding plate are all inlaid with stainless steel lining plates of 3 mm thickness to slow down the bonding of materials.

(3) Install several groups of heaters on the outside of the feeding chute to eliminate the adverse effects caused by the large moisture content of coal, which is easy to bind and difficult to remove in winter.

(4) Inspection is added to the chute and funnel to clear and plug the hole.


3. Bearing temperature is too high

When starting, the shredder runs smoothly and the temperature rises normally. When the equipment runs for two hours or the bearing temperature reaches 50 degrees or above, the temperature of one-sided bearing rises rapidly. In a short time (usually 0.5 hours), the bearing temperature rises sharply to more than 70 degrees and is forced to shut down.

Solutions: The inner side of the base of the aluminum shredder is added with the base pad iron, which is re-aligned, leveled and re-poured. The axial clearance of the outer side of the bearing of the aluminum shredder is adjusted from 0.3 mm to 1.2 mm. The bearing lubrication adopts wear-resisting and compression-resisting high temperature extreme pressure grease with better impact resistance. After adjustment, the bearing temperature of the shredder is normal.

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