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Time:2019-07-16 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:525

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Due to the requirements of environmental protection at the present stage, dust collectors are often needed in the production of scrap aluminum shredder. Here is how to clean the dust collector of scrap aluminum shredder.


There are many impurities in the finished product particles crushed by scrap aluminum shredder, which affect the price of sale. The reason why there are more impurities in the finished product particles is the problem of dust removal equipment. After long-term use of dust removal equipment, impurities will remain in the internal pipeline. After these impurities blocked the pipeline, the wind power can not achieve the desired effect. At this time, we should stop the production of equipment, mark the dust removal pipeline digitally, disassemble the pipeline in sequence, flush the internal dust with the connecting pipe after disassembly, and then connect the pipeline in turn after flushing,the cloth bags on the dust collector should be cleaned in time.


In addition, we have to regularly clean the wind blades on the dust collector. If the dust accumulates too much on the wind blades, it will affect the motor and cause the motor to heat up.


We need to ensure that the cleanliness of the dust removal pipeline and blades will not affect the normal dust removal equipment. In fact, as long as we pay more attention to the cleanliness of the dust removal device of scrap aluminum shredder in normal use, there will be no excessive impurities in the quality of finished products.

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