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Time:2019-03-30 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:536

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As we all know,sand production line is widely uesd in building industry.However,why is it so popular?Today,this article is mainly introduce the peculiarity of sand production line.


1. After the optimized design of the deep cavity rotor, the material throughput is increased by about 30%.

2. After the partial wear of the peripheral guard plate is used, the head is used downwards to improve the material utilization rate, and the service life can be increased by more than 48%.


3.Combined hammer design, just replace the worn hammer part, can reduce the cost of use by more than 30%. In addition, the auxiliary hammer head is added to effectively prevent the vertical hammer from being damaged after the main hammer head is worn.


4. The core wear-resistant materials are made of highly wear-resistant and high-temperature resistant materials used in important industries in the United States.


5. Use diamond-shaped impact block to avoid damage to the vertical plate after impact and wear of materials.


6.The bearings use Japan, Sweden, the United States and other international brands.


7. Excellent launching port and smoother curved design inside, reduce the flow resistance of materials and greatly improve the material passing ability.


8.Bulk tray, easy to operate, to achieve two feeding methods for easy conversion.


9. The special sealing structure at the lower end of the main shaft guarantees no oil seal and no oil leakage.

10. Use a motor with high protection level. This type of motor has the characteristics of low efficiency and low noise. Conforms to International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, Class F insulation, IP54/55 protection rating.

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