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Time:2019-03-25 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:520

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Industrial shredders use a conveyor belt feed system for extremely high volume applications. Powerful steel jaws crunch through larger items, including three ring binders and phone books, depositing the shards into a generous waste bin.However, some investors have been hesitant, because they have been considering whether their current situation is suitable for the purchase of industrial shredders.


So just how much shredding can an industrial shredder handle? The answer to that is roughly 750-2250 pounds of paper per hour. That’s right, I said per hour. The amount is staggering. To give you a little perspective, an average large file box containing paper, folders, mail, and other commonly shred items weighs about 50 pounds. That means that a decent industrial shredder can handle between 15 and 45 large file boxes per hour!


Next, you may be wondering exactly how much you shred, and if you really need a machine that can do all that. There are two different ways you can measure this. First, you can go by the number of employees you have. The average worker shreds about 50 sheets a day, which equals out to 2.5 pounds per week. Simply multiply that by the number of employees you have and that is how much shredding you should plan for. The second way measure by the number of shred boxes or bins you create each week and multiply by the capacity. The most common box sizes are 36″ and 27″, which equal out to be 65lbs and 45lbs, respectively. Bins come in 92 and 64 gallon sizes, equaling 350 and 250 pounds. So if your company produces 18 45lb boxes weekly, you’ll need to prepare for 810 pounds of shredding per week.


Once you have an idea of how much you shred, you can get a quote from a shredding service and compare from there.If you feel that investing in industrial shredders is entirely appropriate, please contact us. Dawning Heavy Industries has nearly 30 years of production experience, according to your conditions to recommend the most suitable equipment for you.

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