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Time:2019-03-21 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:468

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The shredder blade is an important part of the shredder (about 10-20% of the cost of the shredder), and its service life directly affects the performance of the shredder. The shredder blades have different shape configurations depending on the type of shredder and the type of shredded material.


The quality of the shredder blade directly affects the crushing cycle of the solid waste of the equipment. The shredder blade is pided into a single-axis crusher tool and a double-axis shearing tool.


The choice of shredder blade material is like building a foundation for a house. The foundation is firmer and the house will naturally be more reliable. Similarly, if the material of the shredder tool is selected, then the processing of the material will be more convenient, which will greatly increase the unit output and efficiency, and provide more protection for the energy efficiency of the resource recycling industry.


Shredder blade processing accuracy and technical process control have a crucial impact on the operation stability and applicability of the entire shredder. This factor will not only affect the service life of the equipment but also affect the maintenance cost of the equipment.

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