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Time:2018-03-29 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:476

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Industrial shredder and industrial crusher are used for crushing items. Industrial shredder is a kind of machine used for fine crushing. It is used to deal with raw materials or waste materials, making it smaller and easier to transport or recycle. Representative examples are plastic or rubber, metal scrap, scrap paper, old tires and so on as raw materials for reprocessing.


Industrial crushers generally handle larger materials, and the product is coarser. The industrial crusher has the jaw breaking, the compound break, the counterattack break, the roll break. Industrial crusher can be pided into coarse crushing machine, medium crusher and fine grinding machine. Industrial crusher is selected according to different materials and different degree of crushing.


Industrial shredder is an upgraded version of industrial crusher. It can solve this problem by selecting different tool models according to different materials and the degree of crushing. It saves the cost of investment and increases production efficiency.


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