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Time:2018-03-28 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:474

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Paper shredding machine equipment is a professional processing shredding equipment, this equipment is mainly used for waste paper, waste paper box, paper mill in the braided materials, plastic film, wastebasket, shredded mixing materials such as wire separation recycling, so as to realize the papermaking waste combustion and coal processing.


Paper shredding machine equipment are the main chassis, motor, shredding device and PLC automatic control, professional design for waste paper class and become, is suitable for all kinds of waste paper shredding, size can be controlled, uniform discharge, output of 3 tons per hour, 22 kw power, can produce according to customer's specific requirements for machine selection, paper shredding machine equipment adopts planetary gear speed reducer drive, blade USES high strength alloy steel, strong wear resistance and high strength etc, four axis between differential operation, are torn, extrusion, bite, etc. The electrical part is controlled by Siemens electrical components, which has the function of automatic detection overload protection. Suitable for all kinds of scrap paper, it is the first choice equipment for waste paper recycling.

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