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Time:2018-03-26 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:490

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Shredding machine industry because of its wide adaptation material, mainly by hydraulic or electric motor driven both positive and negative rotating knife shaft knife shaft of adjacent to the moving knife blade shear, the knife knife blade and casing cylinder forming shear, knife shaft torque and speed difference of tear to crushing effect. As industrial shredding is popular, industrial shredding machines are springing up.

Broken materials: such as scrap tire crusher, large garbage crusher, industrial hazardous waste crusher, plastic, metal, kitchen waste, etc.

Industrial shredder knives.

Among them, there are four main factors that determine the price of industrial shredder:

Motor: industrial shredding machine with Siemens motors international product environmental protection, never use a renovated motor or international Numbers of copper wire is wrong because the motor rated current demand, so the machine is easy to burn or driving force is insufficient, affect industrial shredding machine equipment rotating speed and the effect of whole pieces;

Bearing, bearing of the fit and unfit quality directly affects the intelligent industrial production effect and tear effect of shredding machine equipment, industrial environmental design should not broken things shredding machine intelligence protection system, protection of bearings in broken in case of functions such as automatic inversion, reduce the maintenance cost and failure risk, ensure the equipments running long-term health.

Configuration: single machine equipment and production line configuration.

Shredding machine industry since the establishment of the environmental protection is committed to intelligent high-end industrial shredding machine equipment research and development, production and sales, in the process of high quality services for global customers to provide systematic, intelligent and professional customized solutions.

Therefore, the factors that determine the price of industrial shredding machine are factors such as configuration, materials, refined processing, appearance and yield.

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