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Time:2018-03-23 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:482

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Automatic biaxial shredding machine in the process of production, the degree of wear and tear is very large, and will be used as the longer the more powerful the knife wear it, we all know that the tool wear in the production of time also has a great influence on the productivity, so the equipment in use after a while, this tool is to change, in order to better ensure that the production efficiency.


In the process of shredding, the function of the bottom knife is to clean the tool, prevent the material falling, and the auxiliary function of the secondary cutting is the important structure of shredding machine. Its installation form we've done on the site, shredding machine no matter you choose bottom knife installation, its effect is the same, manufacture, installation, use and maintenance performance for different models, production capacity, use requirement to make a choice.


How should the shredder be changed? It is an important reason that the welding deformation is caused by the welding process, which can only be adjusted by the whole body type. If a knife is not upright, the cutting process will cause deformation of the bottom knife, resulting in the collision between the blade tip and the bottom knife. The result is: the tip of the knife is broken, the bottom knife is cut, and the spindle is stuck. The most serious is the crushing of the coupling.


For bolt connection type, the biggest weakness lies in the machining of the bottom tool thread hole. It is necessary to ensure the positioning dimension. On the basis of multiple experiments, the difficulty is overcome. Adopting groove link slide slots, decrease the difficulty of installing the bottom knife cutting, profiling cutting way model by wire-cutting processing, bolt hole drilling, tapping on the special fixture, overcome a series of problems.


Although the fully automatic biaxial shredder has gradually become a standardized road, there are still some detailed techniques to explore and study.

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