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Time:2018-03-19 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:485

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Shuguang shredder more save electricity, energy saving, shredder according to frame type authorities, without user to use the mud casting foundation, torn inside the warehouse to take open hook knife, tooth surface hammer and washboard type screen, make the shredded material in the beginning and end of the metal shredder shredded hold get qualified product. After rubbing against the shredder configuration by 3 three parts formed by thickening steel plate, internal hook knife hammer head and the perfect combination of lining board, maintain a balance between pieces, wear-resisting durable, the director-general after reached the state environmental protection in the epicenter Mei. The instinct of the metal shredder equipment, quality, performance, manipulation, had the advantage of talent to help. In handling waste metals on elucidating the strong power, let users enjoy the satisfied results. Shuguang shredder utility in the new film, woven bags, fishing nets, tires, caigang watts, circuit boards, use biaxial shredder; For agricultural films, packaging film, greenhouse film scrap, ton bag, air bag, food bag, cement bag, old fishing nets the receiving application of materials, such as fracture, strange structure and corners to save type knives, knife shaft during the process of low speed high torque by pad, not exposed winding shaft, or jammed the equipment situation, so as to raise the production effectiveness, the equipment is suitable for all kinds of toughness and high viscosity material damage.

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