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Time:2018-03-15 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:529

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Small make up today to explain the common feature of industrial shredding machine: industrial shredding machine is mainly composed of the blade shaft, knife, bearing housing, housing support, feeding system, hydraulic system, power system, electric control system of the machine.


Mainly used to tear wood, rubber, plastic, paper and other waste materials. Work principle of material into the pieces through the feed system inside box, box body bearing has a tear on the blade, push the container to push material adjacent to the blade, the material through the torn pulls, the inductive effect such as extrusion, shear blades, tear into small pieces of materials, from the eduction in sieve hole.


Industrial shredder


Equipment features


(1) it is suitable for shredding materials with strong surrounding, and there is a small amount of light floating metal objects in the material.


(2) the blade maintenance cost is lower.


(3) the price of shredder is relatively low in the same power condition with the double axis, triaxial and four-axis industrial shredder.


(4) it is convenient to change tools.


(5) the material size can be adjusted according to the aperture of sieve mesh.


Equipment maintenance


(1) check whether the cohesion of the connecting parts on the device is loose at regular intervals.


(2) check the current of the main motor of the device regularly.


(3) check whether the hydraulic system is normal.


(4) check the wear condition of the tool regularly.

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