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Time:2018-03-07 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:545

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If the processing technique can be described as a constant model, the new development of the metal shredder can produce great economic benefits. From the point of view of comprehensive or global production economy, it is of great significance to compare different feasible technical schemes. The definition of global production economy is: "ensure the safety and predictability of processing technology while maintaining high productivity and low production costs. Prior to the detailed 1:1 optimization of single processing, the overall situation of process productivity and cost efficiency must be balanced and optimized from a macroscopic perspective. After taking this step, it can be done through careful investigation.

Micro and macro models.

Metal shredder, the traditional method adopts a narrow microscopic model, which is based on a 1:1 optimization of a single tool in a single machining. On the other hand, the macro model considers manufacturing in a broad sense. In these macroscopic or global models, the total time required to produce a particular metal shredder is more decisive.

A simple example of global optimization is the use of two metal shredder parts in an assembly line. Without the same improvement in metal shredder "B", cutting time optimization and production increases for metal shredder "A" will be of no use. The increased production of the metal shredder "A" will only result in an increase in the inventory of semi-finished workpieces awaiting processing on the metal shredder "B", resulting in additional costs. In this case, it is better to optimize the cutting cost on metal shredder A. This may limit the productivity of metal shredder A, but it will reduce the total cost and maintain production.

On the other hand, increasing the output of metal shredder A will increase the total output of metal shredder A when metal shredder B is waiting for machining of parts produced by metal shredder A. This is largely dependent on the way the workshop organizes its production: the production line, batch processing, or parallel processing. While it is impossible to generalize, these examples show the need for a global perspective, and the need for a very detailed micro-model optimization.

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