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Time:2018-01-24 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:568

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Heavy junk is mainly refers to items for old furniture and other electronic products, waste furniture mainly includes bedstead, mattress, sofa, armchair, tables, chairs, closet/wardrobe, bookcase, etc have a sit, by leaning, storage, interval, and other functions of old life and office appliances, usually composed of several parts assembled junction in a certain way, used for furniture material in addition to the wood, metal, plastic, and rattan, bamboo, glass, rubber, fabric, decorative materials, leather, sponge, etc.; Other big trash including mainly including kitchen utensils, bath appliances, bicycles, etc., also includes the irregular shape of tank, bedding, straw mat, long chain (hose, rope, wire, wire, etc.), such as material mainly ceramics, metal, glass, rubber, decorating plate, leather, sponge, etc.

Garbage shredder is the most efficient and cost effective solution for any large and bulky garbage, such as crushing and decomposition. Our technical team can customize a complete set of large pieces of garbage crushing system, including shredder, conveyor belt and material sorting system, according to customer requirements.

The shredder refers to Chinese technology, while achieving the crushing strength, it saves energy cost and saves the machine quality. Adopt import advanced alloy cutter, durable use! Even if the garbage contains metal, it will not adversely affect the normal operation or cause damage to the tool.

The team has many years of practical experience in dealing with large garbage disposal system, and can analyze the cost benefit from the customer's perspective and provide you with the optimization plan. It also has an experienced team of experts to ensure a reliable solution to any complex crushing project.

24-hour consultation hotline0086-371-67666667

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