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Time:2018-01-22 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:687

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Phosphorite Raymond mill in any part of abnormal noise, or sudden increase of load should stop check, troubleshooting, to avoid major accidents. The machine must be taken out when the machine is turned on, otherwise the current will be too large and the effect will start. Whether there is iron, sundries inside the machine, adjust good Raymond Raymond mill fan, and whether the host to reverse, this is Raymond mill equipment has an important part of electric control system and its control over the analytical engine is accomplished through the adjustable speed motor drive, to achieve control of the Raymond mill discharge fineness. Machine preventive maintenance is mainly refers to a series of maintenance, checks before starting the work and so on, this kind of job have machine lubricating oil to add, machine parts inspect and replace worn or loose, etc, the machine's power of examination and circuit testing, finished product machine grinding fineness and the cavity of the adjustment of the distance between parts, etc. Machine parts replacement is mainly refers to the replacement of wear parts for the machine, because of the wear parts wear quickly, in addition to wear parts, such as screw located in the grinding cavity fixing device is also very vulnerable to wear and loose materials, necessary to also want to change in time.

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