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Time:2018-01-19 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:644

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Living garbage reduction, reduction, reduction is placed in front of everyone must solve the problem, in the past 20 years, the world each year almost 10 billion tonnes of municipal waste, in accordance with the requirements of the national in 2015 urban life garbage recycle ratio reached 30%, municipality directly under the central government and provincial capital cities and cities under separate state planning to achieve the 50% target.

The resources contained in the life garbage include: recycling and remodelling resources, solid filling resources, and biological conversion resources. Recycling remodelling resources include paper, metal, plastic, glass, foam and other wastes, which occupy most of the urban household garbage. Solid filling resources include cement, masonry, ceramics, residuum and other wastes, and the speed of construction of modern cities and towns has been accelerated, resulting in a surge in the total amount of garbage.

Living garbage

I focus on the development, production, sales and service of smart, environmental technology and Garbage shredder. The design and production of Garbage shredder, which is suitable for China's urban Garbage crushing, is an entity enterprise driven by technological innovation and social responsibility.

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