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Time:2019-03-15 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:507

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The plastic shredder is small in size and easy to move; manual operation is simple and safe; the built-in garbage bag is fixed with a lock, stable and not easy to slip, and the equipment is durable and durable. It plays an irreplaceable role in reducing environmental pollution and promoting the reuse of resources.


However, the liner of a plastic shredder is a component that is easily worn and is one of the most frequently replaced components. Frequent replacement of the liner increases the cost of using the plastic shredder and is not conducive to product promotion. So, what causes the lining to wear easily?


1. The material problem of the liner itself

In practice, we have found that the hardness of the material is related to the wear resistance, and the wear resistance increases as the hardness increases. Materials with good wear resistance last longer.


2. Broken material friction times

In the process of crushing the plastic shredder, the hammer and the material are continuously struck and rubbed. During this process, the material will collide with the lining, and multiple collisions will bring the lining to wear. When the lining is found to be concave or cracked, please replace it in time, otherwise it will affect the size of the discharge particles.

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