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Time:2018-03-30 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:510

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The various departments of the factory are closely connected with the crushing machine for the crushing and shredding of the heavy duty 1800 motorcycle, and the restriction of the original mineral resources of nonferrous metals has been intensified. China nonferrous metals mineral resources relative shortage of resources consumption has been increased, rising year by year, external dependency important resources about 65% of the raw material of copper, on Thursday, March 22, 2018, metal pieces aluminum materials about 55%, lead and zinc raw material imports about 30% above, in addition to this, however further expanding trend.

Garbage shredding machine, machine rubber shredding machine important resources external dependence of the waste paper shredding machine and other materials crushing heavy 1800 motorcycle crushing machine, - technical level continuous improvement.

, rubber shredding machine, tire shredding machine, the whole industry presents "economies of scale not benefit", "environmental protection technology does not benefit", "advanced production capacity is not full" and other abnormal conditions.

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