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Time:2018-03-12 00:00:00   Author:Shredder Manufacturer  Popularity:507

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The shredding machine equipment in the development of society, the development of plastic shredding machine then is becoming more and more good, now plastic shredder equipment in the market also occupy a certain market, by the broad masses of users love and torn.


Plastic shredding machine equipment is mainly composed of shredded the subassembly, bearing housing, housing, feeding system, power system, electric control system of the machine, mainly used for thin metal pieces have a certain strength, increase the packing density in order to facilitate transportation, recycling, shredded objects such as metal barrels, refrigerators, automobiles, scrap steel, steel furniture, etc.


The blade thickness of the plastic shredder is pided into 15mm, 20mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm, which can be used to select the cutter body according to the size of the object. Plastic shredding machine blade material for 9 crsi commonly, Cr12MoV, SKD - 11, 9 crsi as alloy tool steel, the material of cutting tool high hardness, good wear resistance, suitable for the paint bucket, tires, woven bag, rubber, fiber, paper and other soft material waste, Cr12MoV and SKD - 11 for cold work die steel, the two kinds of material performance, with strong abrasion resistance, impact resistance is strong, suitable for shredded wood, furniture, high hardness of plastic waste, etc.


Zhengzhou shuguang shredding machine heavy industry specializing in the production of plastic and metal shredding machine, tire shredding machine, oil barrels of shredding machine, shredding equipment such as template shredding machine, our company produces the shredding machine equipment not only advanced technology, and the quality of the equipment in the industry are also top of the shredding machine equipment, equipment production high efficiency, environmental protection and efficient production, welcome everybody to review and commissioning.

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